Monday, August 24, 2009

Merona borrows from Madden

Notice a similarity? Last month I hit Target at the perfect time and walked away with two pairs of ballet flats for $13 each. One pair is a silken leopard print while the other, more quirky pair (above right) have some funky buttons and sequins. Imagine my surprise last week when I was in the illustrious shoe department of Nordstrom and came across its designer influence (above left).

It turns out these adorable ballet flats aren't the only Steve Madden style to influence Merona. My cousin bought these lovely sandals (below right) from Target after coveting their expensive Madden counterparts (below left).

Bottom line: I'm going through the Fall Steve Madden catalog with a highlighter and then making a beeline for Targét.


  1. Yeah, "The Enchantress of Florence" made an engrossing reading for me. I even attempted a small review of it, a kind of reader's appreciation. Maybe you like it.



  2. love these flats!!Great blog! Please check out my fashion and lifestyle blog! Please follow mine as i will yours! xo

  3. Thanks for the heads up for such great flats coming soon to Target stores! I love these flats too.

  4. Yeah! Target has great flats :)! I got these red and black plad ones there and one of my kids was like, "Nice shoes Ms. Tan!" Hehe!
